Our Impact

We are proud to present our annual Service Coordination Report, showcasing the impactful work and achievements of our organization over the past year. Through dedicated efforts, we have provided life-sustaining resources, educational services, and essential support to individuals and communities. In this report, you will discover our commitment to education, community collaborations, and empowering individuals with life-changing resources. We look forward to sharing our successes and welcoming your support to continue making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.

Service Coordination Report - Executive Summary


This Executive Summary provides a snapshot of the impactful service coordination efforts carried out by our organization over the past year. Our primary focus has been on empowering individuals and communities by providing vital resources, educational services, and forging meaningful collaborations. 

The following sections provide a condensed overview of our accomplishments.

Financial Impact

Life Sustaining Resources

Educational Services

Wellness Supports

Assistance to Families

Blueprint Social Development Institute

In summary, our service coordination initiatives have left a profound impact on individuals and the broader community. We remain dedicated to fostering positive change through education, wellness, collaborations, and essential resources. We humbly request your continued support to sustain and expand these critical initiatives, which are indispensable for the well-being and development of our community.

Thank you for being instrumental in turning these programs into reality.